A Busy Few Weeks
We also learned about fire safety. We know what to do if our clothes catch fire (stop, drop, and roll), what to do when there is smoke in the room (stay low and go), and to have a designated meeting place if there is ever a fire in our house and we need to get out quickly. We also know we have to leave everything in the house and just get ourselves out.
We're looking forward to November and Thanksgiving. We have a lot to be thankful for and will be writing about it in class.
Changes to Calendar
Please note the following changes to the October calendar:
Pictures have been moved from October 17th & 18th to NOVEMBER 17th & 18th
Dismissal on Friday, October 21st is at 12:00 not 11:45
Thank you!
Scarecrows and Columbus
Tasting Apples
On Tuesday, we tasted 3 different types of apples and learned their names: Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, and Granny Smith. We completed a worksheet on the color, size, and taste of the different apples. We also made a graph to hang in the hallway to show which apple was our favorite:
Reading, Reading, and More Reading!
This past week, we read Click, Clack, Moo: Cows that Type and completed comprehension worksheets on the story. We loved the story so much, Miss Lobreglio read us another book about the cows and the ducks called Thump, Quack, Moo which was about how the duck takes over the corn maze Farmer Brown is creating. It was a very funny story and we helped with the sound effects as Miss Lobreglio read.
Another book we read this week was The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. We learned about what "really" happened when the Big Bad Wolf huffed and puffed and blew the little pigs houses down (apparently, he was only going to their door to ask for a cup of sugar and had a cold which made him sneeze the houses down). Then the following day, we read The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig. It was interesting to see how the roles were reversed in the story. We even made a chart comparing the little pigs, the little wolves, and the big bad wolf and pig.
Our First Week
Our first week was quite a successful one! We finished our first story, Max, the Cat, and will begin our second story on Monday. We will continue working on the sound of short /a/. Ask us about the three things you need for a group of words to be a sentence. Now that we know, we will work on writing our own sentences this week.
We are well on our way to becoming wonderful readers and writers!
As a reminder, on Thursday the 22nd at 7:00pm, it's Back to School Night. Come meet Miss Lobreglio so she can tell you all about the great things we are going to be doing in our classroom this year.
We're Reading!
We've been in school almost a week now and have officially started reading in our Reading Textbooks. Our first story is Max, the Cat and we are working on the sound of short /a/. We are also working on a literary unit with the story The Kissing Hand, a story about a small raccoon named Chester (ask your child to tell you about the Kissing Hand) as well as two other stories with Chester as the main character. We are also reviewing rhyming words, color words, number words and counting.
First Day Complete!
A successful first day of school! We learned the routine of the classroom, took a tour of our floor in the grade school, made cool Welcome Back visors, wrote our very first Morning Message, and even had a special snack (thank you again, Taylor!).
Looking forward to tomorrow!