First Grade has been very busy the last few weeks. We took our trip to Stepping Stones museum and had a wonderful time. Here is a picture of Royal and Rudy trying out the air hockey table in the CyberChase exhibit:
We also really like the Build It! section of the museum.
But our real favorite part of the whole experience was the Energy Lab! We completed our unit on wolves and now we're experts. We know so many more facts and realize that wolves really aren't as bad as they are portrayed in fairy tales or other stories.
Halloween quickly came and went. We had a really fun day, completing all Halloween worksheets in class, having our parade and then playing Halloween BINGO during our party.
Thank you to all the moms and dads you helped make our party special with your donations! We really enjoyed all of it.
We also learned about fire safety. We know what to do if our clothes catch fire (stop, drop, and roll), what to do when there is smoke in the room (stay low and go), and to have a designated meeting place if there is ever a fire in our house and we need to get out quickly. We also know we have to leave everything in the house and just get ourselves out.
We're looking forward to November and Thanksgiving. We have a lot to be thankful for and will be writing about it in class.
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